Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Do you have that entrepreneurial drive to start your own business? Or do you currently have a business and are looking to expand? Maybe you have a specific skill set and are looking to take over an existing business? Whatever your entrepreneurial fancy is, “Jefferson Wants You”!
Become a part of Jefferson’s business hub and start your entrepreneurial journey with us today! We know starting a business can be a lot of work so we’re here to offer a helping hand!
Learn more about how Jefferson is impacting rural entrepreneurship here!
Discover how Jefferson Matters can help your business grow with our Grant Opportunities video series! These 5 informative videos guide you through various grants available for local businesses, how to apply, eligibility requirements, and tips for a successful application. Whether you're starting a new business or looking to expand, these resources are here to support your success in the Jefferson community. Watch now to learn more!
Informative Videos
Jefferson Matters: A Main Street & Chamber Community, alongside local banking institutions, utility companies, and Grow Greene County, have come together to provide a unique opportunity to those opening businesses in Jefferson! Apply now for the opportunity to receive a grant for up to $5,000 towards one-time business start-up costs.
Grant Funding Opportunities
Whether you want to drive around and search out a property or build your own, here is an easy snapshot of what commercial properties are available for rent/sale in downtown Jefferson!
Available Properties
Business Resources
There is so much to know and do when starting a business! Check out a variety of resources to help get you off on the right foot and provide continued growth for your business! Visit Jefferson Matters: A Main Street & Chamber Community and click the Resources drop-down menu for more information.