Experience Jefferson

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Mahanay Bell Tower

Visit: mahanaybelltower.org

Email: mahanaybelltower@gmail.com

Call: (515) 386-2155

Address: 100 E Lincoln Way

Jefferson, IA 50129

The 168 ft. tower sitting on the corner of the courthouse square in downtown Jefferson is easy to find at the corner of Lincoln Way and Wilson. The elevator takes visitors to the Paul Nally Observation Deck at 120 ft. with a spectacular view of the countryside, the downtown, and rooftop art installations.

The Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower is open daily from Memorial Day weekend through the month of September and on weekends in May and October. Hours are 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and FREE for Youth 18 yrs. of age. Bell Tower Staff will meet with tour groups at any other time by calling the Welcome Center at 515-386-2155.

Visitors will hear the Westminster Chimes on the hour and each quarter-hour. After each hour, the bells will play two songs.

From Memorial Day through Labor Day, there are Tower Tune Live Concerts on Wednesdays performed by Mahanay Maestros from 12:15 – 12:30 pm. There are a number of souvenirs for sale. You can also rent out the top of the tower for special events!

Did you know?! The Mahanay Bell Tower was named the 2021 Rural Tourism Attraction! Come see why!