Experience Jefferson

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Comedy Night @ Jefferson Community Golf Course

Dante Powell, where do we even start. Okay, he is a stand up comedian. Good start. He is based in Des Moines, Iowa but grew up in Bernice, Louisiana. His work has been featured on SiriusXM radio, NPR, and Tubi. His comedy album “The Squirrels Get Fat” debuted at #1 on the iTunes/Amazon comedy charts. What else is there? Oh, he has been a regular at many of the comedy venues you frequent. Clubs, bars, theaters, he does them all!

Bree Kalhorn wears her cold, bitter heart on her sleeve. Her cutting wit got her voted onto the "Best of Fest," showcase at the first Laugh out Loveland Comedy Festival; and it has been appreciated by audiences at the Des Comedie and Sno Jam comedy festivals as well. Locally, Bree is known for her sharp tongue, winning several roast battles around Omaha (and one in Iowa).