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Fun Fall Spaces

Jefferson has wonderful outdoor spaces to enjoy some fresh air and beautiful views. Hiking, walking and biking trails, and public land all provide some great outdoor areas for people and pups alike. Let’s take a closer look at some of the spaces and activities to be enjoyed in this beautiful fall weather!

Birdseye view of the Deal’s Corn Maze for the 2023 season

A visit (or 7) to Deal’s Orchard every fall is practically mandatory for Jeffersonians and their families! Deal’s is a family-owned farm that provides produce from their garden and larger crops like sweet corn in the summer, apples and pumpkins in the fall, as well as some extra sweet goodies like apple cider donuts, pies, and canned goods. Their Apple Barn is a great place to shop throughout the year, but especially in the fall! Deal’s also has Apple Acres that features a ton of fun activities for the whole family like a petting zoo, corn pit, jumping pillows, a corn maze, and more. Events are held at the farm throughout the year - some favorite events of mine are their Trivia Night and Ciders at Sunset! Check out their Facebook Page for up-to-date information on upcoming events and fun surprises.

Last, but certainly not least, Jefferson is surrounded by a plethora of public land and wildlife management areas. It is a great place to visit and live for those who enjoy hunting and fishing and being outdoors! Goose Lake, Finn Pond, Dunbar Slough, and other public lands are great for hunting duck, pheasant, deer, and other wild game. Our dogs have thoroughly enjoyed romping through the fields in search of pheasant during the season, and just for some good exercise when the hunting season is closed. Adorable photos for proof of exhausted-joy!

To summarize - Jefferson is a great place to live and visit. Not only does the town have wonderful people, shops, and small-town-cute-factor, but also has beautiful spaces in the great outdoors! I hope you and yours make some time to get out this fall and enjoy all that Jefferson has to offer.